Oral Hygiene

What is hygiene?

Both children and adults should visit the dentist for a regular check-up and check-up every six months. At this visit, a professional cleaning of the teeth and the mouth in general is recommended, as well as an evaluation of the condition of the oral structures and the alignment of the teeth to detect any problems of crooked teeth that cause dysfunction. People with a higher risk of oral disease should have dental check-ups more than twice a year.

Thus, a hygiene is a deep cleaning performed by a professional, in this cleaning ensures the removal of dental tartar.

Is it enough to perform two hygienes a year?

The professional will indicate, according to the various risk parameters, which is the most appropriate frequency and type of care for each particular case. The lack of space, the consumption of sweets, the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, diabetes, pregnancy, periodontal and gum diseases, bad oral hygiene are some of the many factors that are taken into account when deciding how often you need dental cleaning and check-ups.

Attending your regular check-ups without fail will help keep your gums and teeth healthy, white and straight. This is a preventive measure and allows you to detect problems in time.

Why come to DentalSPA?

At DentalSPA we have been improving our patients' smile through orthodontics for over 25 years. We are professionals committed to a single goal: to improve the oral health of our patients.

Your treatment at DentalSPA will be a haven of peace in the middle of your busy life. Come to any of our centers and experience the pleasure of being treated at DentalSPA. We are waiting for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section we answer some of the most frequent doubts that our patients have when it comes to oral hygiene.

Why does tartar appear?

People develop more or less tartar from the type of saliva they have, which is inherited. The way to prevent it is very simple: it is a matter of having a brilliant dental hygiene, with an adequate toothpaste, rinses and above all the use of dental floss.

Does an oral hygiene hurt?

Dental cleaning is usually a procedure painless. However, some people with severe dental hypersensitivity may find it annoying. In the event that we do not go to our usual centre, it is recommended that we inform you of this problem, since in this type of patient it is advisable to carry out the treatment under local anaesthetic. In the same way, it is advisable to carry out the dental prophylaxis with a special paste and then give some guidelines to minimise the discomfort in the first days after the treatment.

Can it be done with implants?

Ultrasonic tooth cleaning can be done smoothly in implant patients as long as the tips used are appropriate for this.

Does it wear out the teeth?

Contrary to the myth and if done correctly, a dental cleaning does not damage the enamel. You can have as many cleanings as you need (always under the dentist's prescription) without them wearing out: the ultrasonic tips used today are specially designed not to scratch or damage the tooth surface.

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