
What is periodontology?

Periodontics is the dental specialty that deals with prevent, diagnose and treat gum disease and the bone that holds the teeth. The most common periodontal diseases are gingivitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis is a chronic and painless periodontal disease that causes inflammation of the gums. It is a disease with high prevalence in today's society, depending on age groups its frequency can be around 60% of the population to a greater or lesser extent and if left untreated it can lead to periodontitis.

Finally, periodontitis is a painless disease that affects the gums and produces the loss of the bone that surrounds the teeth, favoring mobility and subsequent tooth loss.

How to maintain your gums healthy?

Gum care is one of the most important if you want to keep a teething healed for many years. For this it is essential to maintain correct oral hygiene on a daily basis, the technique being very important in this case.

In addition, it is essential to go to the specialist who will carry out regular checks not only of our teeth, but also of the health of our gums, since ordinary brushing is not enough to prevent the accumulation of bacteria, and for this different periodontal treatments are necessary.

At DentalSPA we specialize, among other fields, in Periodontics. We offer you in our centers the best specialists that will treat your gengivitis or periodontitis in an effective and efficient way.

Why come to DentalSPA?

At DentalSPA we have been improving our patients' smile through orthodontics for over 25 years. We are professionals committed to a single goal: to improve the oral health of our patients.

Your treatment at DentalSPA will be a haven of peace in the middle of your busy life. Come to any of our centers and experience the pleasure of being treated at DentalSPA. We are waiting for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section we answer some of the most frequent questions that our patients have when it comes to periodontal treatment.

Is periodontal disease hereditary?

The fundamental element for suffering from periodontal disease is the individual predisposition and this is genetically conditioned. It is a mistake to think that only the genetic predisposition is enough to suffer periodontitis, the presence of bacteria is needed.

Con frecuencia las personas que padecen periodontitis, sobre todo las de formas más severas, encuentran afectados entre sus padres o hermanos, lo que habla del carácter familiar-hereditario. El hecho de ser tan frecuentes, muchas veces quita peso a este elemento, para ser consideradas como coincidencia familiar debida a la alta incidencia.

Por lo tanto, y considerando que hoy en día poco podemos hacer por modificar la predisposición genética, la forma de prevenir y tratar las periodontitis es el control de la placa bacteriana.

Does diet influence gum health?

Unlike dental caries, the type of diet does not seem to play a major role in gum health, although eating foods that facilitate oral self-hygiene such as fruit and vegetables is likely to have a beneficial effect.

What is the relationship between dental malpositions and periodontal disease?

In people who take great care of their mouth, malpositions do not carry a greater risk of suffering from periodontitis, but in people who are less attentive to their mouth, poorly placed teeth can favour the appearance of gum problems, both gingivitis and periodontitis, because hygiene is difficult in these cases and bacteria grow better.

It is usually recommended that patients treated periodically, once cured, undergo treatment to correctly position their teeth, as this will improve their long-term prognosis in addition to the consequent aesthetic benefit.

Is it normal for the gum to bleed?

The sign that most early warns us of problems is spontaneous bleeding or brushing. A bleeding gum may present gingivitis (mild problem) or periodontitis (severe problem). The difference between both situations requires an assessment by the dentist.

Sometimes there is an increased tendency to gum bleeding as in certain moments of the woman's life that we will see later.

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